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We are heavily bearish of the GBP and have written several articles recently on it and the GBP has fallen back a little but we now expect it to fall back a ...

We are bullish of the CAD in the crosses and we covered GBP/CAD in an article yesterday and in this article we will look at EUR/CAD which offers an extremely good risk to ...

In terms of AUD strength and weakness a commodity to look at is Iron ore which is Australia's biggest export – AUD/USD is trending lower and while it's oversold in the short-term bounces ...

The best-performing major overall in 2024 is the GBP having seen significant upside on the USD and of course in many crosses but speculators are heavily long we have a bullish extreme and expect a ...

Gold has been in a big bull trend but it could now be running out of steam – With speculators heavily long we could see a sizeable break to the ...

Crude oil has been under pressure but we do have a strike on Israel from Yemen and a retaliatory strike on Yemen from Israel and the Houthis have vowed a major retaliation will this support crude ...

In our last article we were looking for a turndown in GBP/CHF from resistance and we have seen some weakness and expect more to ...

The USD recently had a correction on the SEK but that now looks to have ended and we are looking for a far stronger USD interest rate differentials going forward are in favor of the USD and likely ...

After a sharp sell-off to the downside the DXY is now moving to the upside and we expect far more strength ...

We did an article last week in terms of selling GBP/CAD but it hasnt corrected and has continued to the upside but the odds of a break lower are high now in our view, logic of the trade ...

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