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We published an article yesterday on looking to buy the USD/PLN on strength but it's fallen hard today but has come back from major support and in our view, represents a low risk buying ...

We published an article earlier in the week looking for the GBP to fall but it has not fallen but moved strongly to the upside and we are coming to major resistance and looking to sell into it and ...

We are looking for USD/CNH to move higher in the coming weeks – Our view of the fundamentals, and key technical levels are ...

We have seen the USD fall back on the PLN and we are now looking for the USD to firm up and move to the upside – logic of our view is outlined ...

EUR/USD moved up on the French election result taking the view that the Far Right not winning is bullish but this view is misplaced in our view – we expect any euro upside to be minimal and ...

We have published articles outlining our view of NZD/USD and also USD/JPY earlier today in this article, we want to look at the cross which offers an attractive risk to reward due to the bullish ...

In terms of USD/JPY most forecasters are bullish and speculators hold a record-long position so is it a "one-way bet" to the upside? We dont think so and think the risk v expected payout is ...

We have seen the GBP rally strongly to the upside and now expect the rally to end with a major move to the downside. Our logic is outlined in terms of the fundamentals, sentiment and technical ...

As we come into the RBNZ Meeting on interest rates the market is heavily long and we expect the NZD to break lower as speculators get taken out the market on stop – Our view of the ...

GBP/CHF has been in a strong up trend against the CHF but this could all be about to change and we could see a significant correction in the GBP. Our view of the fundamentals, ...

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