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Video 1 – An Inspirational Story and the Importance of Discipline 


Video 2 – Learning from History, Chess and Poker 


The above videos give the reality of what it takes to make money trading the markets and the reality is backed up by the facts. Many traders of course will not want to accept the above – why? Because they are dreamers and not realists. You can make money at Forex trading but you won't make money unless you accept losses and understand, discipline is the key to trading success.

Forex trading from home is a serious business and can provide traders with more profits in relation to work time, than perhaps any other business. When you see the market for what it is and ignore, all the hype and get rich quick schemes sold online you will see why, you can make money when other traders fail to do so. Just spend sometime learning a system, you can understand and have confidence, to follow and then, trade it with a disciplined mindset and make big Forex profits.

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