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Most traders fail to make money, due to a lack of trading discipline so let's take a look at this website and trading course in more detail.

Before we look at the Disciplined Trading Mastery course, I want to recommend that even if you don't buy the course, you can get some great free education in the form of PDFs and educational videos:

The website itself is pretty good for free stuff and I downloaded some free E-books which were were much better than the usual free PDFs you get and I also watched his 4 minutes Drill videos which I think are excellent, in terms of content.

The Importance of Trading Discipline

Its a fact that most traders have no concept of how important mindset is in terms of becoming a successful Forex trader but its vital and this can be seen in terms of the huge number of traders who blow their trading accounts because they lack discipline. Your method can only be successful if you apply it with discipline and that's a fact.

Read any interview, with any of the world's top traders and they will tell stress how vital it is in terms of achieving long term currency trading success.

Disciplined Trader Mastery Kit

Norman Hallet been around for while and his bio shows that he has experience of what he is teaching, unlike many other FX course sellers online. He works with his wife Tisha Hallett who is experienced in the the field of subconscious training and they offer the Disciplined Trader Mastery Kit so what's our verdict on the course?

One of my friends bought this and showed it to me and my view is – its very well presented and contains a lot if useful information and is clear and concise in terms of the way its presented. It really does focus on an area of trading which most traders neglect but to succeed, you need conquer mental trading barriers. The kit does come at a price though which is nearly a thousand dollars which many traders will feel is to much but personally, I feel that if you really have problems with executing trading signals with discipline, you will get the cost back.

Final Words on Discipline

If you can't afford the above then you can get a great book which has the same name as the website we are reviewing but is not connected in anyway and the book is:

The Disciplined Trader” by Mark Douglas which is one of the best books you will ever read on the subject of why getting the right mental attitude is so hard to achieve but how you can achieve it . Also check out any of his books and you will find them all excellent

I find when I am taking at Forex seminars everyone wants to listen to how to make money but when you starting talking about discipline and money management, everyone is off for a coffee! If you want to be a winner don't neglect your mental approach it really is the key to trading success.

I like Norman Hallets approach and Mastery Kit so would advice you to check them out and remember that if you don't trade with the right mindset you will join the majority of losers – understand its importance and you could start making consistent Forex profits.    

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